Verse 1
Fortress northCold as glassFriendship southTake your taskTo the numberNine eight twoThrough the woodNo lion fearsIn the sky the water veersSmall of scaleStep acrossPerspective should not be lostIn the center of four alikeSmall, split,Three winged and slightWhat we take to beOur strongest tower of delightFalls gentlyIn December nightLooking back from treasure…
Verse 2
At the place where jewels aboundFifteen rows down to the groundIn the middle of twenty-oneFrom end to endOnly three stand watchAs the sound of friendsFills the afternoon hoursHere is a sovereign peopleWho build palaces to shelterTheir heads for a night!Gnomes admireFays delightThe namesakes meetingNear this site.
Verse 3
If Thucydides isNorth of XenophonTake five stepsIn the area of his directionA green tower of lightsIn the middle sectionNear thoseWho pass the coliseumWith metal wallsFace the waterYour back to the stairsFeel at homeAll the lettersAre here to seeEighteenth dayTwelfth hourLit by lamplightIn truth, be free.
Verse 4
Beneath two countriesAs the road curvesIn a rectangular plotBeneath the tenth stoneFrom right to leftBeneath the ninth row from the topOf the wall including small bricksSeven steps up you can hopFrom the bottom levelSocrates, Pindar, ApellesFree speech, couplet, birchTo find casque’s destinationSeek the columnsFor the search.
Verse 5
LaneTwo twenty twoYou’ll see an arc of lightsWeight and roots extendedTogether saved the siteOf granite wallsWind swept hallsCitadel in the nightA wingless bird ascendedBorn of ancient dreams of flightBeneath the only standing memberOf a forestTo the southWhite stone closestAt twelve pacesFrom the west sideGet permissionTo dig out.
Verse 6
Of all the romance retoldMen of tales and tunesCruel and boldSeen hereBy eyes of oldStand and listen to the birdsHear the cool, clear song of waterHarken to the words:Freedom at the birth of a centuryOr May 1913Edwin and Edwina named after himOr on the eighth a sceneWhere law defendedBetween two…
Verse 7
At stone wall’s doorThe air smells sweetNot far awayHigh posts are threeEducation and JusticeFor all to seeSounds from the skyNear ace is highRunning north, but first acrossIn jewel’s directionIs an objectOf Twain’s attentionGiant poleGiant stepTo the placeThe casque is kept.
Verse 8
View the three stories of MitchellAs you walk the beating of the worldAt a distance in timeFrom three who lived thereAt a distance in spaceFrom woman, with harpsichordSilently playingStep on natureCast in copperAscend the 92 stepsAfter climbing the grand 200Pass the compass and reachThe foot of the culvertBelow the bridgeWalk…
Verse 9
The first chapterWritten in waterNear menWith wind roseBehind bending branchesAnd a green picket fenceAt the base of a tall treeYou can still hear the honkingShell, limestone, silver, saltStars move by daySails pass by nightEven in darknessLike moonlight in teardropsOver the tall grassYears pass, rain falls.
Verse 10
In the shadowOf the grey giantFind the arm thatExtends over the slender pathIn summerYou’ll often hear a whirring soundCars aboundAlthough the signNearbySpeaks of Indies nativeThe natives still speakOf him of Hard word in 3 Vols.Take twice as many east steps as the hourOr moreFrom the middle of one branchOf the…
Verse 11
Pass two friends of octaveIn DecemberRide the man of ozTo the land near the windowThere’s a road that leads toDark forestWhere white is in colorWith two mapsAfter circle and squareIn July and AugustA path beckonsTo mica and driftwoodUnder thatWhich may be last touchedOr first seen standingLook north at the wingAnd…
Verse 12
Where M and B are set in stoneAnd to Congress, R is knownL sits and leftBeyond his shoulderIs the Fair Folks’Treasure holderThe end of ten by thirteenIs your clueFence and fixtureCentral tooFor finding jewel casqueSeek the soundsOf rumbleBrush and musicHush.